Friday the 20th November

Good morning and happy Friday everyone...2nd day of staying at home!
We’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who commented and let us know what your child was up to yesterday. It really does put a big smile on our face to see the children having so much fun!
Today’s activities...
ALLITERATION HUNT- Today’s letter is ‘a’ (focusing on the sound of the letter-not the name). How many objects can you find around your home beginning with an ‘a’ sound? Have a go at writing the letter too!
MATHS- Turn the alliteration hunt into a competition! The grown up chooses one room and your child can choose another. Put both of your objects into two piles and compare quantities. Use language like, more, less, fewer, the same. Who won?
RHYME- Sing some of your favourite nursery rhymes. You could use props as you sing...a decorated boiled egg for 'Humpty Dumpty', a teddy bear for 'Teddy bear teddy bear turn around' and a doll for 'Miss Polly had a Dolly' etc. Identify and emphasise the rhyming words in the songs. Explain that rhyming words sound the same at the end of the word.
DRAWING ON TIN FOIL - Cover a table or some flooring with tin foil. Draw on it with crayons or felt tips! It makes an exciting change to paper. We look forward to seeing your masterpieces